
Last WCS Cohort in Germany - Manifesto

This repo contains a set of values that I would like to establish through consensus in our cohort.

Please approve the PR associated with this commit as well as any future PRs in this repo only and only if:

  1. You fully understand the content (please do not hesitate to translate to your native tongue using deepl)
  2. You understand that we might sometimes reflect on certain happenings in the bootcamp by referring to this document

One way to think of the manifesto, hence, is as a social contract that we will try to implement through peer-governance throughout the bootcamp.

We are all in this together! So if you are:

… then please post your comments in the PR via the process of code review or using PR comments (it is possible in this way to comment on specific lines, add reactions, and start discussions, as shown in the image below):


I. My classroom, my rules

II. Our team, our rules

III. I take responsibility and practice openness

IV. I act out my better self

V. I strive to make others feel safe

V. I have faith that others prioritise my sense of saftey

These are two sections in one, with two possible formulations for each one of the subsection paragraphs (named for me and for others).

Physical safety

  1. for me: I know that others strive to ensure that my …
  2. for others: I strive to ensure that others’ …

… physical needs are met. I understand that everyone’s need for food, shelter, warmth, a performant laptop/computer, and a peaceful place to study are all very important for all of us, and not taken for granted by anyone. We will hence not hesitate to speak up if some of our basic needs are not being met (temporarily or permanently), even when it is not immediately clear to us what can be done about it.

Social safety

  1. for me: I know that others strive to ensure that I am …
  2. for others: I strive to ensure that others are …

… accepted regardless of their looks, race, gender, religious belief, habits, preference, way of expression, personal style, or manners.

What is most important for us is to be fully comfortable during class, which means being fully ourselves and trusting that others will tell us if we trigger them, or do things that interfere with their sense of well-being and/or comfort.

We know that when this happens, that it has nothing to do with us, and has everything to do with demonstrating our kindness, and accommodating each other, from a place of love and inclusion.

It will not be a personal attack on anyone when something like this happens, and we will feel inclined to understand one another and to help them be as comfortable as possible without judgement.

Emotional safety

  1. for me: I trust that others are …

… putting a conscious effort into not emotionally manipulating me, bullying me, lobbying with others against me, passing hidden messages to me when I am not aware, speak against me behind my back, and/or using silent aggression towards me. Instead, I have complete faith that everyone in the classroom will communicate openly and honestly with me and that we will use effective and empathetic communication to achieve harmony, overcome conflict, and widen our perspectives.

  1. for others: I will be …

… putting a conscious effort into not emotionally manipulating anyone, bullying anyone, lobbying with others against anyone, passing hidden messages to anyone, speak against anyone behind their back, and/or using silent aggression towards anyone. Instead, I will be communicating openly and honestly with others with whom I have beef and I will exercise reflection and empathy to try to understand their point of view, to achieve harmony, overcome conflict, and use this an opportunity to widen my perspective.

Logical safety

  1. for me: I know that others strive to ensure that my …
  2. for others: I strive to ensure that others’ …

… learning personality, logical doubts, and inability to comprehend something is fully respected and is never out of place.

And hence, we individually know that when we:

… that we are so invited 🥰 to raise our hand, un-mute ourselves, and express our confusion immediately. Doing so, we know that:

Note that sometimes, some people in the classroom and/or the facilitator might think that it is better to attend to the point(s) raised at a later time. This might be due to time limitations, or due to pedagogical reasons.

We know that when this happens that it does not mean that our intervention was viewed negatively by anyone, and that we have done the right thing by voicing our doubts.

In the case of promising to attend to the point(s) later but this not happening, we take it upon ourselves to remind the facilitator of our desire to have the point(s) addressed without feeling bad about it, or thinking that they are ignoring us, which is most certainly not the case.